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Sometimes you just need that space. The “wow” one. Either because you need to impress your guests, or unveil a secret company event. We’re going to show you 4 of…

To rent central locations in busy cities and offer surprising experiences: this is the case of Lamucca‘s first pop-up restaurant, located on the iconic Paseo de Recoletos in Madrid. Ding…

We have been quiet, and it’s because we have been working on something, just for you: news about some upgraded functionalities! Go—PopUp has upgraded some functionalities! Our aim has always…

Go—PopUp’s 2020 Milestones: what a year! The team kicked off the year in a team event in Valencia (Spain). The weather conditions that day were far from the usual Spanish…

Discover our new Premium Services: add-Ons you can access to make your Online Pop-Up more attractive, interactive and adapt it to your concept.  Last April, right after half of the…

Descubre nuestros Servicios Premium: complementos a los que puedes acceder para hacer tu Online Pop-Up más atractiva, interactiva y adaptarla a tu concepto. En abril pasado, justo después de que…

Food and beverage are one of the sectors that walloped during the quarantine, and the challenges are ongoing. In this context, restaurants, just like every other sector, are facing a…

If you are looking for a beautiful location to launch your next pop-up, we want to show you 5 best spaces in Amsterdam that we have hand picked for you.…

Hosting an online pop-up is an incredible opportunity to entice the attention of your community. For your pop-up to be appealing and successful, you should take into account some characteristics your…

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