Jeans Come True – Gebrüder Stitch Pop-Up Store
by Katja Feldmeier
In borderline-mad, out-of-control celebration of the newly opened Gebrüder Stitch pop-up shop in Berlin Mitte, we feature this extraordinary custom-made jeans brand and the two Austrian string-pullers behind it. Confetti simply doesn’t cut it anymore.
Berlin am Arsch – Boldness Beats Boredom
Flashy colors, strong language, in-your-face kitsch.
Not even a slight hint of that typical minimalist style muting each and every recent store opening in Berlin, especially the ones in Mitte. Understatement is the new boring. »Berlin am Arsch«, the store’s name provocantly postulates what has been masticated by many, made fun of by few. Amusingly, the slogan works on so many levels, yep, just give it that extra second of thought.
The non-conformists. Bright colours, rough language and lots of frill – the pop-up fully contrasts most newly opened stores in Berlin with muted colours and minimalistic attitudes.
Brothers in crime. »No not by blood. Our name, like the bright colors, stands for our re-interpretation of a traditional craft. It also shows our individuality, nonconformism, our drop-out backgrounds and a certain fuck-it-attitude, we like to call our own.«
Mike and Moriz say it loud, say it clear, bring a fresh perspective to the city, to their pop-up in Münzstraße 5, to retail. And don’t be fooled by appearences or dirty jokes either, what might look like an eccentric brand, is a truly social and ecological endeavor at its core. And funny! When has Berlin lost its humour? Maybe Mike and Moriz brought it back in their suitcases from Vienna.
The bright neon floor doesn’t exactly scream organic. What counts, is not how green you appear on the outside, but how green your business is on the inside.
Is it Worth it? Let Them Work it
Their brand also reminds us of a very inconvenient truth – a jeans that cost us 9,99 €, cost someone else much more: their health, their exploited labour, their water, their youth and the sad list goes on and on. But Mike and Moriz have not started their business to moralize or point fingers, they are simply aware and go down a different path.
Starting with organic cotton yarn, production in Austria, fair pay for employees, avoidence of toxic waste, to offering a repair service for your old jeans, they are working hard to break the vicious cycle of the wasteful blue jeans.
Green washing, no actually green washing!
The hardest Button to Button – Made to fit You
Go—PopUp: Bros, please tell us, what it means to get a custom-made jeans? What’s the process like?
Mike: It means, that we welcome you to our lab. Together, we choose one out of 10 fabrics, decide on the wash, the thread colour, the buttons, the leather details and the embroidery.
Moriz: We can adjust cut and style completely to your needs: from the Mick-Jagger skinny jean, to the wide legged Marlene, Art-Garfunkel bellbottom to the urban cyclist’s Velo-Stitch. Anything goes. The classical cowboy or 501 are amongst our standards.
Where to find the bros
Münzstraße 5
10178 Berlin
Mo – Sa
11:00 – 20:00
phone: 030 233 54 173
Open till 29. February 2016
Where to find us