As promised, we will now go deeper into the topic of pop-ups licenses and permits requirements. We are going to answer some questions we have received over time.
//Do I need a license?
Any activity requires a license. A license is an administrative authorization. It is usually indefinite and defines what to carry out in a private space. Town halls are typically responsible for issuing such permits. If you don’t apply for a license, you may incur an administrative fine and/or the insurance won’t be valid.
//What types of licenses exist?
Generally speaking, there are two types o licenses:
- Safe activities: licenses required for activities that do not generate significant discomfort, environmental impact (health and/or hygiene), damage to public or private property or risk to the property or persons. Many small businesses, such as fashion shops or non-perishable food products, are considered safe activities. In this category, we also find small offices providing services.
- Qualified activities: licenses required for activities considered unhealthy, harmful and/or dangerous (catering, industrial activities, specific businesses, and services) and requiring corrective health, safety and/or environmental measures. Some of these activities can only be carried out in industrial areas.
The activities that do not require licenses are artisanal and artistic carried out at home. If there is no sale or direct connection to customers and do not disrupt the neighbourhood where located.
//How long does it take to get a license?
Licenses often take a bit longer than anticipated. Generally speaking, between two and four months is the minimum amount o time you should calculate to be on the safe side.
//How much can it cost?
It isn’t easy to estimate the cost of a license. It will vary greatly depending on each specific case and local policies. We work with a team of international people who have the right cultural know-how to guide you to local regulations.
//What steps to follow to apply for a license?
- Project: Preparation of a report or technical project, specifying the characteristics of the pop-up, information about opening and/or adaptation of premises. These documents are generally written by an accredited technician (industrial technical engineer, technical architect…).
- License assessment: based on the project, a professional team should assess the type of licenses that needs to be required.
- Request: the license is requested in the correct office/institution (this point might differ from country to country and type of project). It entails the payment of fees.
- Payment of the corresponding municipal fees, in a bank or at the city, as appropriate.
//I have a space with sales licenses, and I want to host an event, may I?
It depends on the license and the type of event. In general, there is some flexibility to carry out some activities in licensed sales spaces. As long as you can prove you respect capacity limits, safety and health regulations, and opening hours. Food products might need special permits. We recommend you evaluate each case.
//What happens if an activity was not clear in their request? Will the pop-up close?
The organiser of an event is responsible for what happens. This person has an obligation to comply with the limitations of the license or permit the space holds. The owner of the space must report transparently and provide copies of any documentation. The user must have all the necessary information about the pop-ups licenses and permits of the premises.
Do you need specialist technical support? Get in touch with our team through hello@gopopup.com.