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In the ever-evolving landscape of events and pop-up stores, owning a prime location can be a goldmine waiting to be discovered. But how can property owners unlock the full potential of their spaces? By listing them on our leading platform, you can turn your property into a lucrative asset with minimal effort. Here's why and how. Imagine turning your vacant loft, stylish gallery, or charming garden into a bustling hub for brands and businesses. The demand for unique and versatile event spaces has never been higher. From pop-up stores and exclusive product launches to corporate events and creative workshops, brands are

Today, from Go—PopUp, we want to give special recognition to the thousands of property owners who are part of our marketplace. If you're not one of them yet, don't hesitate to join today and start maximizing bookings, thus increasing your income consistently. Discover the 5 keys that will set you apart and make you grow exponentially, making the most of that essential and unique space you offer. By doing so, you can meet the demand for the multitude of pop-up actions that unfold every day. Turn your space into the preferred destination for pop-up stores, workshops, shootings, productions, and, ultimately, all kinds

One space, thousands of opportunities. Whether you have a space suitable for film shoots, photo shoots, celebrations, corporate meetings, pop-up stores, marketing events or any other purpose, Go—PopUp is the ideal platform to showcase and monetize your space. VISIT OUR MARKETPLACE At Go—PopUp, we specialize in connecting venue owners like you with people and businesses looking for unique and versatile locations for their events and activities. Do you need to maximize the potential of your space and gain global visibility? Do not look any further! Go—PopUp is the ultimate platform to rent your space for a variety of purposes. You will also have the support

We all know how much retailers from all around the world are now accelerating plans to adapt to a new, post-pandemic reality. It's time for a new phygital era of shopping malls, where phygital means a perfect match between the physical and digital experience. Shopping malls need to reconsider their spaces, turning into a thriving community where people will live, work, play, and eat. A place that goes beyond our parents' idea of shopping mall, that offers both valuable experiences and shopping opportunities. It's all about reinventing The added value of shopping malls need to be experiential. 68% of consumers expect

Did you know you can earn money from renting outdoor spaces? You may own an apartment, or even a building. But you could also own the external facade, the parking lots or internal gardens. Do not fear thinking about earning money from those too. People love peculiar venues to launch spectacular marketing actions, so… the sky's the limit!  1# Shopping Malls External Areas Among all the possible outdoors spaces, external areas of shopping mall centers are very much demanded. Brands can use their creativity and disclose their marketing strategies through pop-up events, but also leverage on the peculiarity and the position of

Discover Space Promotion and increase your bookings from now on. The options that appear on a website when we search for a product or service are endless. That's why landlords consider that having proper web positioning is becoming more and more crucial. Nowadays, everyone is in a hurry, and online users don't spend their time looking at the products that appear last on a website. That's why Space Promotion is now available on Go—PopUp and Go—Logic. It will allow your properties to appear at the top of the catalogue and increase your bookings. In addition, our sales department will actively promote them

As Governments slowly grant more freedom of movement and allow industries, sector by sector, to open to their public, big or small companies face the same tough question: how to return to your physical store? We, at Go–PopUp, are facing the same dilemma: how can we allow our employees to go back to the office while ensuring the safety measures imposed by the social distancing? Not everything can be as before; several aspects need to be taken into consideration, both operational and behavioural. Where probably the latter is the most difficult to control. //New normality We know that a new normal is settling

Learn the variety of ways to use and update the calendar for your spaces featured in Go—PopUp. The use of the calendar allows generating a much more agile workflow since it can block the dates in which the space is already booked. This way, the tenant will be able to know if the space is available and proceed with the booking. You can update the calendar in two ways: manually or synchronizing with iCal. If you have published your space in our websites, you can synchronize the calendar of our platform with the rest of the calendars you use, in order

As landlords part of Go—PopUp, we want you to gain the most benefits of your space throughout service. One of our main objectives as a team is for your pop-up store to have many booking requests, so in order to achieve this with the most success, we have set a few simple steps and tips you can’t miss as owners of pop-up spaces in Go—PopUp.     Log in to your account A straightforward but unmissable step; in order to log in to your account, you simply click on the “Login” button at the top bar. A bubble will appear, asking for the basic,

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