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January 2021

We have already lined out a Success Story: our 2021 first pop-up, the Blood Bank. This year's edition started on the 8th of January and lasted ten days. The concept was "Donar sangre es otra película", (literally translated "Donating blood is another movie"); with the ambitious aim of receiving 10.000 donations. //Involving the community The latest edition kicks off intending to recover blood reserves, which decreased by 25% during the holiday season. Due to the pandemic's exceptional situation, treatments and surgeries have been delayed or rescheduled. This year, the collaboration of donors is needed even more. In Catalonia, there is blood for the

We have already lined out a Success Story: our 2021 first pop-up, the Blood Bank. This year's edition started on the 8th of January and lasted ten days. The concept was "Donar sangre es otra película", (literally translated "Donating blood is another movie"), with the ambitious aim of receiving 10.000 donations, in Barcelona, (Catalunia). //Involving the community The latest edition kicked off intending to recover blood reserves, which decreased by 25% during the holiday season. Furthermore, due to the pandemic's exceptional situation and the rescheduling of delayed interventions and treatments, there is need for help, even more. In Catalonia, there is blood

We left behind a tough year for many industries, especially for retail and hospitality. The challenge continues: some stores are still closed or have severe limitations. People are encouraged to stay at home, while some have fled the cities. Brands cannot interact with the customers traditionally; alternative channels need to be investigated. Which is why pop-ups gained new popularity in 2020 and will do so along 2021. //Pre-pandemic Pop-ups have been part of the retail’s ecosystem for several decades,  serving multiple purposes.  Since the advent of the internet, launching a pop-up has been a chance to reflect on what the brand cannot