A livestream event with Daniel Berdala: power to creativity!
Last month, we launched a Livestream event with artist Daniel Berdala: Power to Creativity. Go––PopUp hosted the event in its office; we created the set from where we went live on our Online Pop-Up platform.
Daniel Berdala contacted us to launch an online event to reach out to a broader audience. As at the moment, there are strict limitations to physical events.
Daniel Berdala is an artist from Barcelona (Spain). He is also an art consultant and offers art workshops for private or companies’ events. The objective of the session was to show to a broader audience what he does during his workshops. How he uses his in-depth knowledge and connection with art to manage emotions. When a person or a group of people can manage their feelings, there is an increase in productivity. And, of course, a more pleasant working environment.
During the session, Daniel worked with some people present, showing how he runs a physical workshop while leading the participants. He also answered the questions attendees were asking on the booth chat from the comfort of their homes.
Daniel Berdala desired to promote his business and the different services he offers to people interested in having additional contact with the art world.
The Livestream event was free, and 33 attendees registered to participate. Daniel’s event was very entertaining, which is one of the key ingredients to make a Livestream session a success. Indeed, the interaction throughout the live chat was constant. The 33 participants remained stable through the whole event, from beginning to end. This latter KPI is significant as it tells us several that the event was entertaining and interactive, promoting loyalty.

Carolina Argenté, our Digital channel Manager, worked closely with Daniel for the success of this event.
It was a straight forward consulting project, where Go–PopUp worked on outlining the focus based on Daniel’s business needs. We also took care of the setting, its configuration and the technical part. The only thing Daniel had to do was to promote the Livestream and come prepared with his creativity and tools.
We met with Daniel to understand his brand, his philosophy, values and the services he wanted to promote. Once we had identified the aim, we created a script, to ensure the event runs smoothly. We also wanted the audience to remain engaged for all the duration of the event.
We also supported Daniel with the promotion of the Livestream, communicating the event on our social media.
The physical part was curated all by Go–PopUp. We transformed our offices in a setting, providing all the devices needed: lighting, cameras, microphones and a steady internet connection. We also took care that the present audience, four participants and the employees, kept the safety distances. They wore masks and used hand sanitiser.
As the workshop was interactive and the participant so many, Carolina Argenté participated as a chat moderator. She managed the questions, reading them aloud to Daniel. So that he could focus on answering while carrying out the workshop.
The event was successful, both technically and organisationally. Everything was perfect and the attendees enjoyed an alternative and hands-on art workshop. You can watch the session again here.
Last month, we launched a Livestream event with artist Daniel Berdala: Power to Creativity. Next month we could be launching yours. If you would like to bring your business to our Livestream platform, we can advise which type of event suits your objective. Further, we can create the script, provide a setting and all the devices needed, find the best moderator, influencer and director to launch an entertaining Livestream event.
Contact Carolina Argenté, Digital Channel Manager: carolina.argente@gopopup.com