How-To Guide: What Is A pop-up Store?
Ephemeral and innovative – How pop-up stores are juggling retail industry’s conventions and hence recoining the connection between brand and customer.
Pop-up stores are the retail segment’s model of the future. Persisting only awhile therefore makes them effective. Whether it’s a store, a restaurant, a bar, a café, an event or a galery, if only for one day or rather half a year – in this limited length of time a peculiar environment evolves into one-of-its-kind. Here today, gone tomorrow: pop-ups are exclusive and exceptional. They are juggling retail industry’s traditional rules and conventions and hence are recoinig the connection between brand and customer.
Commerce knows the multi-channel approach to progressively become standard. Whether young entrepreneur, for whom online business often signifies market entry, or an already established brand: pop-ups function as proper equipoise and apposite amendment for online commerce.
Feedback occurs directly and customers are given the opportunity to interact with products, brands or services. Not for nothing more and more entrepreneurs and enterprises are getting into the concept of hiring short term. Whether as starter model for your own business or as marketing strategy to boost brand awareness – your customers’ wishes will be precisely validated thanks to immediate contact and thus you can exactly optimize each particular business strategy cost-efficiently.
The rise of the pop-up idea
The concept behind pop-up retail is not barely new. It emerged from metropolitan art scenes, where artists and creatives spotted the favorable scope amongst vacant commercial properties and storage buildings to present their artwork or gather and mingle people at events. These urban occasions were ephemeral and nonrecurring – which exactly makes the appeal: The pop-up idea is on the rise.
Commerce harnessed this principle promptly. In the late 1990s the first and foremost exclusive showrooms sprouted in the USA and were only open to the public until the first merchandise sold out. The potential lying in temporarily rented retail rooms exceeds today’s short-timed direct sales. Fair enough, after all the retail industry has changed. Nowadays you cannot exclusively prevail by offering premium-quality products anymore. But also and particularly you convince through the great experience connected to them – which doesn’t just start with shopping.
In the right spot at the right time
It requires innovative retail store mockups to put products and services into effect in a surprising but efficient manner. At the same time, those models shall be mutable in order to follow varied objectives: You want to appeal to prospects at an attractive and highly frequented location? Your idea for an alternative store presentation is ready to become steady? New products or services want to conquer the market? Old stock wants to be slapped out? You are aiming for a specific target group? Collect customer reviews? – Pop-ups enable brands and enterprises with the flexibility they need to be in the right spot at the right time.
Shopping as social event
Whoever attended a mediocre musician’s concert and shamingly had to admit not to utterly hate Justin Bieber after all, can join the conclusion that every live-experience is at least valuable for its immediateness. Just as well, in comparison with online shopping, the analog shopping experience bears an undeniable benefit: It marks a social space and provides sudden contact and connections to fellow people. Unexpected and intensive. An impression that sticks. Apart from that and against all poor predictions, customers are longing to touch and sense the products before purchasing them. As the stats are proving: In 2015 only 11,7% of the turnover gained by German retail industry were made through online business. Therefore online commerce does not replace the traditional way of selling, but rather the two are interlocking progressively. By way of example, every other shop amongst the 1000 of the biggest online stores operates local stores.
Got hooked? Go—offline. Go—find your space! Go—PopUp not only helps you finding the right location. Thanks to our partnering network, we can broadly support the implementation of your venture. Whether a complete service package or mediating specific services, whether concept, layout, IT, marketing or catering. We are mastering all topics, helping you with words and deeds. Give it a start – call us up!
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