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Discover some innovative fashion for women and men by IND-Berlin at Nina’s pop-up shop on Brunnenstraße 195. Nina told us all about her pop-up experience, her lovely designs and let us in on…

Great News! We’ ve teamed up with our lovely friends at EyeEm to share our love for cities and to give you the chance to present your picture in a pop-up gallery. How?…

Next stop: Shoreditch High Street via Overground. #popintoberlin entered Great Britain’s capital to spread Berlin’s spirit all over the city. London, a place where the contemporary and the nostalgic come together…

»After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.«, said Oscar Wilde once. So, take your mum and dad, brothers and sisters and enjoy your first pop-up…

The best thing about the end of Summer? Autumn and its wonderful shopping opportunities! Berlin local fashion, beauty products and new shopping concepts are waiting for you! Here are 5 of the…

»Opening up the box at Bikini Berlin is always exciting. It feels like my own little shop. For a young designer like me, it’s a very special feeling.«, says Inga Lieckfeldt…

If you are into hand-crafted, unique pieces of…well anything, you could spend hours browsing on Etsy. While there is no doubt that online shopping is the greatest invention since ice cream, most…

Die Welt durch Pop-Ups entdecken. Ein Kurztrip am Wochenende ist schnell geplant, einfach gebucht und inspiriert noch Wochen danach. Egal, ob wir eine neue Stadt besuchen oder die alte Liebe…

Did you know that commercial liability insurance is automatically included in every space booking completed through our website? Well, not a very entertaining news but it supports your idea! Additionally you…

Living in Berlin puts us in the comfortable position to get to chose which one of our favorite bands we’d like to see today, tomorrow or next weekend. Most people…

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