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Success Stories

Do what you love and love what you do. A slogan that suits the three beautiful founders of the online magazine femtastics perfectly well. Katharina Charpian, Lisa van Houtem and Anna Weilberg created their own little safe haven in Hamburg, a 20 sqm studio, where they write the kind of interviews, portraits and capturing stories, that we would love to read, when buying Instyle or Glamour, yet are always disappointed.

There is something exclusively intriguing about attending a private shoe pop up sale @Circle Culture Gallery in Hamburg. Together with Go—PopUp, the artisanal Italien shoe brand SCAROSSO recently created a unique pop up experience for their customers, offering to see and try their limited edition collection first hand. We seized the moment to talk to SCAROSSO retail manager Miriam Bergmann, asking her 7 questions about the brand's successful and inspiring pop up experience.

We all love Pop-Up Stores, that's for sure. Thilo Hertwig from the Box 16 Pop-Up Store in Berlin Mitte is one of them and there must be a reason when somebody like him is doing his second Pop-Up Store in Berlin in a row. He started at the Bikini Berlin Pop-Up Boxes and is now at Coup Space which he booked over PopUp Berlins Marketplace for Pop-Up Space. We talked to him about his Pop-Up Concept and the benefits of doing a Pop-Up Store.

Christmas is on the way and one of our lovely Pop-Up Spaces, the CAKE STUDIO BERLIN, will still have availabilities between 01st – 23rd of December for you to host your Christmas Party. Therefor the cake is offering special Prices on Equipment Rentals and Full Packages for Private Parties with Family & Friends, Christmas Markets and Designer Sales plus Corporate Events being held during Christmas. For this limited time Cake Studio Berlin is offering together with PopUp Berlin a 15% Discount on all its Package Prices - reason enough to drop some questions to Nicole Roscher and James Brook about their space and the benefits of short-term rentals for Pop-Up Shops and Events.

In April 2014 BIKINI BERLIN will open its doors. It will be more than just another shopping destination. According to Andreas Murkudis, shop owner, it is a city within the city. You can go to the movies, stay overnight, eat, work, shop or just sit on the terrace and enjoy the day. Instead of the well-known "anchor tenants" such as large fashion chains, BIKINI BERLIN will focus on exclusive brands. With this it takes advantage of the fact that Berlin still offers room for smaller brands to develop. Located in the heart of Berlin City West, between Zoo, Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church and Breitscheidplatz it connects to important historic sites of the city and reveals them in a new light.

A brand statement, excellent marketing & perfect location equals WOW!! equals DIANEWEDNESDAY Pop-Up Shop Opening at Galerie Melilli Mancinetti last Thursday. It took 1,5 month for the DIANEWEDNESDAY team to set everything up, including the search for the perfect location. Since they produce designer fashion, it was important to be represented in a place where people appreciate it. At the end it was clear that Berlin-Mitte is the place to be. Agency V did excellent work to spread the word.

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