Millennials, born between 1980 and 1996, have been at the centre of the attention for the last decade. To the point that fashion even gave to this generation a colour: the famous Millennial Pink. It is a sort of a grapefruit shade and apricotty salmon; you might like it or not, but for a while, it was everywhere! We have learnt everything about this exciting and multitasking generation. A generation that through the decades has learnt to adapt to many changes. During the ’90s, they lived on their young skin, the shift from an analogue to a digital society. To
Streetwear Kaotiko concludes for the second year in a row its Pop-up experience in San Sebastian and adds a new city, powered by Go— PopUp!
Kaotiko a streetwear style company based in Barcelona (Spain) celebrated, from the 8th of July to the 8th of September 2019, the second pop-up store in San Sebastian (Spain), repeating the experience of the summer of 2018. To this achievement, it added a second location, a pop-up store in Zaragoza (Spain) in the Mall of Puerta Venecia, all powered by Go— PopUp reinforcing this way their efforts to grow, in a country where they have already 12 stores. Through pop-ups Kaotiko aims to increase its presence, during the summer peak, in cities where yet it does not have a store. Using
Mega trend: Seamless Commerce, a holistic way to interpret retail.
A Mega-trend is a global, sustained and macro economic forces that impact several aspects of the society at the same time: business, economy, the behaviour of the society, cultures and the way individuals live. Mega-trends develop over a longer period and step by step, define our future and the future of our world, having a big impact on the pace of change itself. If you think about your daily life you will immediately identify several aspects impacted by technological developments that have changed over the years. In the era wherefrom our phones we can virtually carry out every aspect of what
Go— PopUp joins Lanzadera program for the next 9 months!
Lanzadera is business accelerator project based in Valencia (Spain) together with EDEM School of Entrepreneurship and the investment society Angels, it is a project wanted by Juan Roig the CEO and President of Mercadona Group, main retailer in Spain with a turnover of more than 23.000 millions of euros and with 25% of shared market. Lanzadera started with the purpose of helping entrepreneurs to create a solid business model, to bring value through productive work, effort and leadership. The project has recently taken under its wing 40 new innovating companies working in different fields and starting the 3 programs they offer: acceleration,
New ecosystems: from “push model” to “pull model” and why Pop-Up Stores can enhance the latter
The internet has been a turning point for the way we understand time, distances and communication, democratizing the way information is shared. Two major disruptions have changed the way we understand retail: the inception of tech giants and new consumers’ empowerment. Let’s take a look at the scenario of the tech giants: Apple has changed the way we communicate, they had a vision: putting into our hands the world. They achieved it by creating the idea of a smartphone and ratifying the end of the Blackberry era. They never intended to compete against the Blackberry (the most famous phone and a status symbol