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Go–PopUp’s latest Success Story is SmileDirectClub Pop-Up: from online to physical touchpoints. SmileDirectClub was founded in 2014 as a teledentistry company in Nashville, Tennessee (USA). At the moment works in…

Some weeks ago, we had the pleasure to host an Online Pop-Up with Chef William Chilila. William, originally from Zambia, has SouthAfrikan and Ghanaian roots. In 2018 he was one…

If you visit our Shopping Center, you will find three Online Pop-Ups “Guayusa Company“. I sat with Alvaro Bugaj to chat about his company and the events he launched on…

Hosting an online pop-up is an incredible opportunity to entice the attention of your community. For your pop-up to be appealing and successful, you should take into account some characteristics your…

While consumers remain confined to their homes, they are willing to engage with brands more than ever using alternative digital solutions. The latest way to connect to customers, using digital…

Vibbo, la antigua aplicación Segundamano, abrió el pasado mes de noviembre dos tiendas efímeras en el centro de Madrid y Barcelona para facilitar las transacciones entre particulares ¡Descubre el Punto…

Vibbo, the old application ‘Segundamano’, opened last November two ephemeral stores in Madrid and Barcelona’s centers to facilitate transactions between individuals. Discover the Vibbo Point!  

Last weekend, Rome witnessed one of the most vibrant pop-ups of the season. Nude Project®, the Spanish brand that is revolutionising streetwear, landed in the eternal city with an event…

The start of a new year always brings fresh possibilities, especially for those who own spaces that can be transformed into unique venues for events. From pop-ups to exhibitions, the…

In recent months, Go-PopUp has played a pivotal role in some of the most high-profile events on the international stage, solidifying its reputation as a leader in organizing and managing…

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