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Success Stories

How we successfully managed to work together with a small city in the Netherlands (Roosendaal) and the real estate owner creating pop-up spaces in only 6 weeks. Discover Spaces Open the doors for young entrepreneurs who want to start a pop-up shop (or-restaurant). This was the message at the end of September this year during a meeting of entrepreneurial incubators of West-Brabant. Go—PopUp was asked to give advise about how to manage temporary rental spaces in Roosendaal.     A Cooperation with Syntrus Achmea »Only by investing in temporary stores with low rental vacancy rates and a limited leasing period will give young entrepeneurs opportunities to start their

Jetzt Ladenflächen entdecken   Like Berlin, Amsterdam has been a magnet for liberal and eccentric types since the days of Vermeer and Rembrandt. This is why visitBerlin stops in Hollands capital for the fourth stop of #popintoberlin’s tour through Europe. Sure, Amsterdams is very famous for its tolerance of soft drugs and prostitution but the city's got so much more to offer! Lose yourself in a canal maze. Window-shop where live merchandise is lit with red neon,visit great art museums… and of course take your chances with the traffic on a bike. (Photo © visit Berlin, Arnold van West) © visitBerlin © visit Berlin, Photo: Arnold

On the surface Vienna is elegant, traditional and slow moving. But dig a little deeper and you’ll find it’s bohemian and trendy side in the creative hotspot of the 7th district. The Siebensternviertel is the centre of Vienna’s creative scene where independent boutiques have sprouted for several years now. Situated in the nucleus of Strudel and Sachertorte, the pop-up store won't leave you hungry for sweet delights: Scroll down to gain insight into Reto’s Candy Farm from Berlin Kreuzberg. ©visitBerlin ©visitBerlin ©visitBerlin Vienna and Food As already mentioned Vienna is famous for its food: Wiener Schnitzel, Wiener Melange and the worldwide famous Sachertorte. The cake consists of a dense

Discover some innovative fashion for women and men by IND-Berlin at Nina's pop-up shop on Brunnenstraße 195. Nina told us all about her pop-up experience, her lovely designs and let us in on a secret: Bring one of her postcards (designed like the cover photo) to Brunnenstraße 195 for a little surprise! Why did you choose Brunnenstraße 195 as a space for your first pop-up? Rosenthaler Platz is a very trendy and cool location, where all kind of different people come together. You look in the eyes of people on the street, there is a connection and you catch a friendly smile which makes me feel like home. How was

Next stop: Shoreditch High Street via Overground. #popintoberlin entered Great Britain’s capital to spread Berlin’s spirit all over the city. London, a place where the contemporary and the nostalgic come together to create a unique atmosphere. A place where you will find a vibrant music scene from Beatles to Amy Winehouse, high-fashion by Vivienne Westwood and Victoria Beckham and THE Royal Family. Opening a store in London is a dream for so many people… Berlin fulfilled this dream by opening a pop-up store together with 16 local Berliner brands from October 5th until 11th. (©visitBerlin) Located on 133-135 Bethnal Green Road, London

Who does not know this feeling: You’re in a tiny changing room, it’s super warm, the jeans you chose do not fit and the color of the shirt makes you look pale. You are half-naked and had to run through half of the store to change clothes. Well,  there is a solution that will make you feel more comfortable. APPARENTLY DIFFERENT offer you a new way of shopping from October 1st on in their pop-up shop on Brunnenstraße 190. Their Vision »Well-known advantages of online shopping like swiping trough different outfits and the actual try on in a private atmosphere were adapted to

»After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.«, said Oscar Wilde once. So, take your mum and dad, brothers and sisters and enjoy your first pop-up dinner experience! We recommend the long waited second edition of Gabriele.Inc Pop-Up Dinner at MBzwo on October 3rd and 4th, where you can taste the vegetarian menu at Berlin's finest wooden tables. Here is a little preview (photo credits: Johann Ehlhardt) Starter Pumpkin + Mustard + Nectarine + Comté Main Marinated Eggs + Potato + Savoy Cabbage + Mushrooms + Peas + Buckwheat Dessert Rose + Blackberry + Palm Seeds + Lime ©Me Chutnai Restaurant Festival The first Edition of her Pop-Up

Hej Stockholm, you beautiful city in the heart of Scandinavia. Popular for your kanelbullar and köttbullar, your lovely royal family and stylish blondes all over the city. Okay, »cold« might be your first association with Stockholm, but you’re wrong. Well,  not entirely. The city can be cold (it’s Sweden, after all). But also it's just so very cool. There’s an incredible mix of art, culture & design, world-class shopping & style, plus beautiful outdoors and adventure activities all easily accessed on the outskirts of the city. And the typical Swedish culture makes this place so lovely. This week Stockholm has something very

»Opening up the box at Bikini Berlin is always exciting. It feels like my own little shop. For a young designer like me, it’s a very special feeling.«, says Inga Lieckfeldt the designer of Berlina Pflanze. We met her for a short interview about her days at Bikini Berlin. This is her little portrait. Morning routine Every morning starts with unlocking the box, turning on the lights and preparing the shop. Then it's time to change the date of the tape installation on the floor. A small reminder for people passing by how long the pop-up shop will be open. Do you

If you are into hand-crafted, unique pieces of...well anything, you could spend hours browsing on Etsy. While there is no doubt that online shopping is the greatest invention since ice cream, most of us will also agree that touching the products and talking to the makers is shopping on another level. Well guess what? Etsy agrees and therefore decided to open multiple pop-up stores all over Germany, bringing the top-of-the-crop products and sellers for you to touch.

Living in Berlin puts us in the comfortable position to get to chose which one of our favorite bands we'd like to see today, tomorrow or next weekend. Most people living in smaller cities don't have that luxury though and have to tour themselves in order to see the artists they love performing live on stage. gigflip and their concept of fanbooking is providing remedy by changing a whole system and thereby getting the mountain to come to Muhammad. Stephan, what is gigflip? gigflip enables fans to bring live events of their desired artists to their hometown. Artists and managements use gigflip

Besides Berlin the Ruhr region is one of the most populated urban areas in Germany. After the golden years of industry, the region has transformed into a melting pot of different cultures, designers and interesting startups. Benjamin Leysing, Michael Pietrek and Jens Peters from Duisburg are part of this new industry of DIY-Crafters and proudly present their fashion label "aesthetize" which stands for authentic homeprinted shirts and clean, minimalistic designs. We talked to Benjamin, who runs the aesthetize pop-up shop at Brunnenstraße in Berlin-Mitte. Hi Ben, so tell me who are you and what are you doing? We are aesthetize, a young fashion label originally founded

Rianna + Nina is a Berlin based fashion brand combining luxury vintage fabrics with traditional craftsmanship. One of a kind silk scarves from all over the world are tuned into unique fashion and interior pieces: bags, caftans, cushions, lamps – a cabinet de curiosites full of colors and vintage spirit. While the bags are manufactured in a small family enterprise in Greece, the kaftans, pillows and kimonos are produced in Berlin.

Did you know that we roughly spend one third of our life sleeping? Okay, it’s not that surprising but many of us are not aware of the benefits, which sleep has on our health and performance. So, a good matress is essential for a heahlty lifestyle. This is what Julian Treidler and Maximilian Emrich, who met during their studies at WHU – Otto Beisheim School, recognized among overpriced mattresses in generel, unpleasant stores and comission driven salespeople when they finally designed their own mattress – napp. Julian and Maximilian believe that restorative sleep should be neither complicated nor expensive. A Design Innovation Matresses as

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