Top Pop-Up destinations for Car Producers
Car enthusiasts only have a defined period of time city to experience the new models first hand thanks to the pop-up format approach to the automobile sector.
Bed ‘N’ Binge, Netflix Pop-Up hotel
London hosted the World’s first Netflix hotel last weekend, where guests paid for their stay by bingeing on their favourite TV shows. Isn’t it a fantsastic idea? On arrival, guests were handed a Samsung Galaxy S8 before beginning their stay in a suite inspired by Netflix most binge-worthy shows – Stranger Things, Orange Is the New Black, House of Cards, Pretty Little Liars, The Crown, Riverdale, Gilmore Girls, Narcos, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Black Mirror, The OA, Better Call Saul, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and new show GLOW. At the centre of the Bed 'N' Binge Retreat there was a luxury yurt playing some of
Atelier Nespresso lands in Madrid
Atelier Nespresso, an ephemeral space that celebrates gastronomy, landed in Madrid with District 22. After having toured in cities like Barcelona, Lyon and Stockholm, #AtelierNespresso selected the Space 'Mood Serrano' to celebrate 4 exclusive dinners. Michelin-starred chefs Erlantz Gorostiza, Francis Paniego, Paco Pérez and Ramon Freixa, were in charge of creating a menu to pay tribute to the city of Madrid and its coffee culture. The coffee itself had a prominent presence in each of the menus, demonstrating that the ingredient can be versatile in the kitchen. District 22 paid tribute to the 21 districts of Madrid through a photographic exhibition, as well as various
Kenay LifeStyle: Pop-Up Store in Madrid
Kenay Home, the home decor brand, launched Kenay LifeStyle, a brand that offers day-to-day products around lifestyle concept. To launch the new concept, Kenay opened on May 19th a pop-up store at the centre of Madrid. The pop-up store will be open until June 4th. Kenay LifeStyle is characterised by its design, exclusivity and the importance given to details of its products. Between the products you can find in the ephemeral store, there are cosmetic products, women accessories, maternity accessories, toys for children or travel details, among others. ¿Where? Velázquez Street, 36, Madrid ¿When? May 19th - June 4th More info: Facebook Kenay LifeStyle Go—TakeALook! Pictures from Kenay LifeStyle
Pop-Up Store por el aniversario de ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’
¿Quién de acá es fan de los Beatles? Para aquellos fanáticos que aún no lo saben, el 1 de junio es el 50 aniversario del 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. Para conmemorar la ocasión, los Beatles abrirán una pop-up store en su ciudad natal, Liverpool, Inglaterra. Official Sgt Pepper Pop Up Shop Coming Soon! May 25th - June 11th. 1 Mathew Street, Liverpool #SgtPepper — The Beatles (@thebeatles) 17 de mayo de 2017 La tienda temporal fue anunciada hace dos días en la cuenta oficial de Twitter de los Beatles, quienes anunciaron que su inauguración será el día 25 de Mayo. En la pop-up store
The Perfect Blend: Chicago’s new Nutella Café
Nutella and coffee? Exciting as it sounds, the Nutella Café is the first stand-alone café devoted to Nutella. Located in Chicago’s Millennium Park, the Café will open on May 31 (13 days and counting!). As you can imagine, the main dishes in the Café feature Nutella as the protagonist. From the traditional ones, like Nutella Crêpes, to a Liege Waffle or Sandwich Cookies filled with Nutella, it is a sure bet that people will want to come back untilthey have tried them all! You can check out the full menu here. For the true fans, this café will not only have a Nutella-inspired menu but
Beatles ‘Sgt. Pepper’s’ anniversary Pop-Up Store
Raise your hand if you are a Beatles fan! I bet there are many hands up in the air about now. For those of you that don't know this, the 1st of June is the 50th anniversary of the 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. To commemorate the occasion, the Beatles are opening a pop-up shop in their hometown, Liverpool, England. Official Sgt Pepper Pop Up Shop Coming Soon! May 25th - June 11th. 1 Mathew Street, Liverpool #SgtPepper — The Beatles (@thebeatles) 17 de mayo de 2017 The temporary store was announced yesterday in the Beatles official Twitter account and will open
Chanel abre Pop-Up Store en Saint-Tropez
Chanel, la marca parisina de lujo, transforma la mansión privada de La Mistralée en Saint-Tropez en una boutique pop-up. Por octavo año consecutivo, la icónica marca Francesa se apodera de la residencia y crea una experiencia inmersiva para sus consumidores durante el verano en la costa azul. Mademoiselle solía residir en Saint Tropez cada verano y le encantaba. Más tarde, el famoso diseñador de la casa francesa, Karl Lagerfeld, eligió la ciudad como la ubicación predilecta para la Colección Crucero de la marca en el 2011 y desde entonces la marca ha regresado todos los años. Este año, la boutique efímera estará abierta desde el 22 de
Chanel opens Pop-Up Store in Saint-Tropez
It's not the first year that Chanel, the luxury brand, transforms the private mansion of La Mistralée in Saint-Tropez into a pop-up store. For the 8th year, the French fashion icon has taken up the residence and created an immersive experience for consumers during summer time in Côte d'Azur region. Mademoiselle herself used to reside in Saint-Tropez every summer and loved it. Karl Lagerfeld then picked the city for the venue for the brand's cruise collection for 2011 and has returned annually ever since. This year, the ephemeral boutique will be open from April 22 to October 2nd. In July and August, the company
Tesla opens Pop-Up Store in Barcelona
Those who know Tesla, are aware that it is not just another automobile company. The company was founded by a group of engineers from Silicon Valley with the goal of creating electrical and affordable cars to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy. Their mission is no small feat, beyond making cars, they want to change the world. To achieve this, the brand gives special importance to technology, design and innovation. A few days ago the Automobile Barcelona Motorshow started, and it and it will be in the city until May 21st, taking place at Montjuïc Venue of Fira de Barcelona.
Ikea Temporary opens in Madrid
This Monday, Ikea announced the opening of "Ikea Temporary" in the centre of Madrid. The store concept aims to test a new shopping experience for its customers where they can have fun, learn and interact with the brand.
Bed ‘N’ Binge, el hotel Pop-Up de Netflix
El pasado fin de semana Londres acogió el primer hotel pop-up de Netflix, donde los seriéfilos tuvieron la oportunidad de dormir en una estancia dedicada a sus series preferidas ¿No es una idea fantástica? A su llegada, los clientes recibían un Samsung Galaxy S8 antes de comenzar su estancia en una suite inspirada en las series con más éxito de Netflix - Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Pretty Little Liars, The Crown, Riverdale, Las chicas Gilmore, Narcos, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Black Mirror, The OA, Better Call Saul, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt y nuevo show GLOW. El alojamiento
4 conceptos Pop-Up totalmente diferentes
Desde arreglos florales pop-up en la ciudad de Nueva York hasta un café de ratas en San Francisco, ¡te contamos pop-up's con las que alucinarás! Arreglos florales Pop-Up en NYC Es la temporada primaveral en Nueva York y las flores no sólo están brotando de los árboles. El dueño de la floristería Lewis Miller y su equipo están convirtiendo las calles de Manhattan en un desfile de flores con hermosos arreglos que emergen por toda la ciudad. Algunos llaman al autor "el Florista-Bandido", otros le llaman el "Banksy de los Arreglos Florales"; la verdad es que Lewis Miller es un artista, acercando a
Things you can’t miss in Milan: The Milano Design Week
Guest Article by Eleonora Gasparella from WhatASpace! The Design Week is the most important time of the year for Milan, a time where the city shows all of its beauty and really expresses itself. The numbers are huge: in 2016, more than 300.000 people were in Milan during that week. Apart from the exhibition, there are a lot of parties and events that go under the name of Fuorisalone, it’s an occasion to meet the big names of the Design, but also young and excellent designers from all over the world. Here are our picks from last year’s happenings during the
Your Pop-Up, custom-made
Last year, (now Go—PopUp) signed a collaboration agreement with Container Custom, mobile, versatile and transgressive facilities that add value to the brands.
Pop Into: Hamburg
by Katja Feldmeier Berlin's cool nordic cousin has and always will be Hamburg. Hamburg has recently picked up some speed in terms of regular pop-up openings around the city. Here are three of our most recent discoveries and recommendations for you in the hanseatic beauty. Discover Spaces Frollein Ida Pop-Up Store Photo: by Lupi Spuma for Lena Hoschek Frollein Ida moved to Hamburg out of love and true love is what you feel, when you enter her little pop-up store and browse through the hand-selected choice of stunning dresses and skirts by the Austrian designer Lena Hoschek. For the little ones under 9, there are
Pop-Up Stores bieten Chancen für Mieter und Vermieter
Wir haben uns mit Emila Brandt von der EB GROUP unterhalten und über die Entwicklung von Pop-Up Stores in Berlin mit ihr gesprochen. 1. Seit wann ist Ihnen der Begriff des Pop-Ups geläufig? Der Begriff ist uns schon seit Jahren geläufig – in Deutschland konnte man bereits seit 2004 einen Trend zur temporären Vermietung beobachten. Richtig beschäftigt haben wir uns damit erst gegen Ende 2012. Damals erhielten wir die ersten Anfragen von Modelabels, die zur Fashion Week einen Pop-Up Store eröffnen wollten. Tatsächlich kam es dann auch zur ersten Vermietung: Das Designer-Duo Sarah Büren und Sonja Hodzode zog im Januar 2013 mit seinem
5 Berlin Food & Fashion Pop-Ups in April
by Katja Feldmeier Gee, Brain, what do we want to do this month? The same we do every month, Pinky - try to bring the best pop-ups to our readers! And this edition features all of our favorite kinds of pop-ups that will brighten up your wardrobe for spring, bring some greenery into your home or balcony and awaken your little taste buds with otherworldly flavors from Japan and Venezuela. Narf. Discover Spaces #1 Mint & Berry Flower Market W&W: 17. April, 12 am - 8 pm, Köpenicker Straße 16, 10997 Berlin Bright blooms and pastel petals make this flower and fashion market the perfect destination for a
Flower Power at & Other Stories
Spring is finally here and the Swedish fashion retailer & Other Stories surprises us with a flowery cooperation: Together with the Berlin-based florist Marsano Blumen they transformed the & Other Stories store on Neue Schönhauser Straße into a sea of palms, spring flowers and cacti. Discover Spaces For ten days visitors have the chance to discover the new summer collection 2016 and additionally ornate flower bouquets. You will have the chance to buy a small green cactus, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, fern, exotic blossoms and many more. It's not only a beautiful addition to their clothes and in-shop materials but a good deed
Pop Into: Hamburg
von Katja Feldmeier Hamburg war schon immer die nordisch coole Schwester von Berlin. In letzter Zeit tut sich auch vermehrt was in der Hamburger Pop-Up Szene und neue Shops erscheinen hier und da auf der Bildfläche. Es folgen unsere neuesten Pop-Up Entdeckungen in Hamburg. Discover Spaces Frollein Ida Pop-Up Store Foto: Lupi Spuma für Lena Hoschek Frollein Ida ist aus liebe nach Hamburg gezogen und Liebe ist es, die einen durchströmt, wenn man ihren kleinen Pop-Up Shop betritt und die handverlesene Auswahl ein Kleidern und Röcken von der Österreichischen Designerin Lena Hoschek betrachtet. Für die Kleinsten bis 9 Jahre gibt es Schönes von Bobo Choses. B-LAGE
POPUP-NOW – Fashion, Street Food & Lifestyle in Düsseldorf
Bereits zum zweiten Mal öffnet das Mode- und Lifestyle Event wieder seine Pforten und lädt unter dem Motto »DISCOVER.CONNECT.SHOP« auf dem Platz der Ideen 1 in Kooperation mit GREY Germany und der Stadt Düsseldorf alle Mode-und Lifestyle-Interessierten ein. Wann? 21.Mai 2016 POPUP-NOW schafft ein einmaliges Konzept: ein Event im Messecharakter auf dem es den Besuchern möglich ist, mit Freunden neue und innovative Marken zu entdecken und aus der kuratierten Auswahl direkt zu shoppen. Die ausgelassene aber intime Stimmung verschafft den Kunden einen neuen Zugang zu den Labels. Ein interaktives Shoppingevent der besonderen Art. Präsentiere Dein Label Und das Beste: Du kannst mit Deinem